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  Upohar Luxury  

Apartment Owners' Association
Official website of ULAOA
Trees, plants & flowers at Upohar
Upohar boasts of a greenery that is unmatched among the city's condominiums. The gardeneing team of Upohar is led by Prof. Biswanath Chakraborty and has dedicated members - Ms. Deepshikha Bhattacharya and Ms. Nandita Ghosh. Scroll down to see some fine samples of the flora at Upohar
Images courtesy Prof. Biswanath Chakraborty & Sri Surendra K Manocha
Content & design inputs: Shumon Sengupta, Ananya Sengupta, Soma Das Gupta, Runa Bhattacharya, Joydev Sengupta

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