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  Upohar Luxury  

Apartment Owners' Association
Official website of ULAOA
The governing Act
Upohar Luxury Owners Association (ULAOA) has been formed as per the West Bengal Apartment Owners Act 1972. The original Act can be read here
The Bye-Laws
ULAOA functions according to the WBAOA By Laws - the latest copy (circulated by the Competent Authority under WBAOA 1972) can be read here
More links
The various ammendments to the Act can be found here  (WB Housing Board's official website) under the 'Apartment Ownership' menu
ULAOA contact mail IDs
Please click here  to view the contact details of office-bearers of ULAOA
Obtaining redressal under the Act
Please follow the escalation matrix below to obtain redressal of your grievances
Escalation matrix
Please note that for any issue the first port of call is the Tower Security Guard, followed by the Maintenance/Security Officer as the case may be. If your issue remains unresolved only then follow the escalation matrix given below
Content & design inputs: Shumon Sengupta, Ananya Sengupta, Soma Das Gupta, Runa Bhattacharya, Joydev Sengupta

Copyright ULAOA 2023